Monday, August 3, 2009

Tyler's birth story

Tyler's entrance into the world was quite a dramatic one. I never imagined that it would have all happened the way it did. Last Tuesday, July 28th, Scott and I went to see my doctor for a checkup. They told me that my amniotic fluid was low so they had to induce me. They immediately admitted me to the hospital for induction. Of course we were unprepared for this news so we didn't have any of our things with us. Scott had to go back home and grab our bags which luckily were mostly packed. We ended up being in the hospital for over 3 days while I was being induced. It was a long process because we tried to do it slowly with the use of as few drugs as possible. It ended up that Tyler was "sunny side up" which means that he was face up instead of face down for delivery. (Not breach, his head was just facing front instead of back.) His head was stuck on my sacrum at the bottom of my spine. Because of this, he was not dropping low enough to put enough pressure on my cervix for it to fully dilate to 10. Of course though at that time we did not know all of this, we only knew that my cervix was not dilating past 7cm and it had been stuck at 7cm for 7 hours. (Normally I should have been dilating 1 cm every hour or two.) After 3.5 days of labor, I had to make the decision to have a cesarean. It was pretty clear at that point that the baby needed to come out since my water had broken the day before. My doctor came in to the hospital to do the delivery which I was happy about and grateful for. In the end, although it was not what I had planned for, I am just happy that Tyler is here and that he is healthy!

Our new family.

Me with Tyler and my doula Laurel right after they wheeled me into recovery. Scott and I are eternally grateful to have had Laurel with us through the long birth process. She was a great support for us and helped us through each step of the way.