Monday, March 29, 2010


Tyler loves his new floaty bath toys! He has so much fun playing with them, he mostly can't decide which one is the best, so he rotates between them all.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thanks Anne & Richard!

Last month, we saw some friends who were in town from England. They brought this fun singing and talking book for Tyler. He loves to play with it!

And it's tasty too!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Great Grandpa's 90th Birthday party

Last weekend, Tyler's Great Grandpa celebrated his 90th Birthday! What a milestone! We had a smallish gathering with some family at a restaurant. Tyler had fun being the center of attention!

From top left: Grandpa, Grandma, Tyler, Denise, Scott, Great Grandma & Great Grandpa

From top left: Great Grandma, Great Grandpa. From lower left: George Yamaguchi, Florence Yamaguchi, Auntie Maria, Auntie Okuni & Auntie Chiyo

From top left: Ron, Auntie Georgie, Scott, Denise, Tyler, Great Grandpa, Auntie Denise, Uncle Geoff. Lower row from left: Auntie JoAnne, Robert, Auntie Leta, Uncle Mark.

From top left: Uncle Eric, Uncle Fred, Auntie Bea, Uncle John, Great Grandpa, Auntie Patty. Lower row from left: Eiko, Andy & Magda.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tyler's first St. Patty's Day

Tyler had his first St. Patty's day last week! He looked so cute in his lucky charm shirt!

Not sure what this funny face was about but I love when I can get his different expressions on camera!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Riding in the shopping cart!

I have been wanting to put Tyler in the shopping cart for a while now, I felt like he has been ready. But since I am not home much these days, there hasn't been a chance. Finally last week I had to run to the store, and Tyler got to try out sitting in there! It was a new experience, and he was busy looking all around at everything and everyone. I think he liked it! I just went to the grocery store here in Mammoth yesterday with Tyler and I was going to put him in the cart again, but he had fallen asleep in the car so I just pushed him in the stroller.

Marlowe & Josh's wedding

Tyler did not come with us to this wedding, and usually I don't post things that Tyler doesn't come to, but this was Scott's cousin's wedding. It was at an art gallery down in Laguna, and we had such a great time! They did an amazing job putting everything together, and everything looked beautiful!

Me & Scott with Marlowe & Josh

Their wedding "cake."

From top left: Scott's Aunt Robin, Uncle Howard, cousin Casey, Aunt Vicki, cousin Sean, Denise & Scott.

Denise, Casey & Scott

Sunday, March 21, 2010

More teeth!

Yesterday 2 more teeth broke through Tyler's gums! They are the two top front teeth. Since they just broke through, it is hard to really see them in a photo so at the moment I have no photos of them... I knew they were coming very, very soon because the gums were swollen and I could see the teeth right below the surface for over a week!

Cute photo from Grandma

I really like the lighting in these photos...

Stole Chloe's frisbee. Again.

Visit to the Sardina's

A few weeks ago, we went for a visit to Brian, Sharon & Nico Sardina. It was actually Tyler's first time meeting all of them! Nico is almost 2 so they are not quite on the same page as far as activities but it was still fun to see them interact.

Sharon, Nico, Tyler & Denise

Neither of them wanted to sit still, so this is the closest that we got to getting both of them looking at the camera at the same time!

Tyler, trying to crawl away....

Nico has lost interest completely at this point!

Tyler trying to crawl away again, and Nico is more interested in Tyler's toy than he is.

Auntie Robin & cousin Casey

A few weeks ago, Auntie Robin & cousin Casey came over for a visit! They both just adore Tyler, and love every moment they spend with him!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Lots and lots of kids!

Last month, we were up in Mammoth, and a group of friends came up. Our friends Zach and Amy and their daughter Rylee stayed at our house, but everyone else was renting some condos near us. All in all there were 6 families, and a total of 9 kids!! AND, 3 of the wives were pregnant! Unfortunately I wasn't on the photo bandwagon at the time of the trip so I literally took 2 photos the entire weekend. :(

Here are 7 of the kids!

Here's Tyler with Amy, who is pregnant, due in August. Amy loves to play with Tyler! We can't wait to meet their little guy!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dog toy? Baby toy? The lines are very, very fuzzy!

It is basically impossible at this point to keep a definition between baby toys and dog toys. Tyler of course wants all of the dog toys, and Chloe and Aspen have already stolen a few of Tyler's toys. At first I was really trying to keep the two separate, but at this point I have given up!

Tyler thinking Chloe's ball looks really fun (and tasty).

Hmmmm, let me just see if I can sneak in there and get it first!

Yummy! (Gross!!!)


Love it!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Fun toy

Tyler got this neat toy from Auntie Rachel. It is a mini hand held version of those big toys with wires and beads you can move around. I have never seen anything like it, what a cool find! Tyler just loves playing with it!

This is the true test of toys these days, is it fun to eat?

Yep, sure is! Thanks Auntie Rachel!

Bad bad Mommy

I have been a very bad Mommy. I have completely slacked off on my blog and photo duties!! I have been thinking I NEED to take photos and post stuff on the blog but I have just been so busy... I am really going to try to get back on track here!

My little cutie 2-24-2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Brunch in Denver

On our last day in Denver before we went home, we went to brunch with Alex & Jessican Cole. Shadia, Vu, Zoe, George & Erica were also there but we didn't take any photos with them... We went to a yummy restaurant called The Corner Office which is inside of the Curtis Hotel. We love their breakfast!

Jessica, Tyler, Denise, Scott & Alex

Jessica & Tyler