Last week Tyler went to Mammoth for the first time! We weren't sure how the long car ride was going to go over, but it ended up being no problem. It did take longer than normal but Tyler was a great passenger (with the help of Grandma's entertainment) and didn't cry the whole way there (or back). While in Mammoth, Tyler had his first meal out at a restaurant! He did great! It was a huge relief for us that we were able to take him out and he just hung out with us in his car seat most of the time. We also went for long walks with Tyler in his stroller. He loves going for walks both in the baby pouch or the stroller. It is very relaxing for him and often puts him to sleep.
The first day we were in Mammoth, we went for a walk around Lake Mary with Uncle Darrin, Maritza, Sachi (Darrin & Maritza's dog) and Grandma. Although upon looking through my photos, I realized that we didn't get any pics with Grandma in Mammoth. :( Oh well, I guess this just means that we will all have to go back again soon so we can get more photos!