So much has changed since Tyler was 1 month old! Last week he really started to be more in control of his hands. At about 5 weeks he seemed to be starting to realize that his hands were there, but in the past 2-3 weeks he has started to use them to try to grab things. He also just started to suck on his hands a lot. I think the beginning stages of teething have really started now. He has been drooling quite a bit for a while now (which the pediatrician says is early teething), but putting his fists in his hands and sucking on them seems to be really happening all the time now.
Since birth, Tyler has smiled quite a bit. However, in the past few weeks he has really started to respond to us talking to him. Often if we talk to him, he will start smiling and laughing which is so much fun! I just love it when I can make him start laughing and smiling away! Sometimes when I talk to him he will laugh and "talk" back to me with his cute little cooing noises.
Tyler used to like being held in the "cradle" position, and now he will cry if we try to hold him that way. He prefers being held on my shoulder. I think this is because he is able to see more that way. And sometimes he would just rather be put in his chair or lying on the sofa instead of being held at all. It is interesting figuring out his likes and dislikes. Which, by the way, change all the time. One day he might like one thing and the next day he doesn't like it any more. The other thing that we just started noticing about a week ago is that if Tyler feels like someone is uncomfortable holding him, he starts crying. It's like he feels uncomfortable too.
Tyler loves to look at pictures of faces and also loves to look in mirrors. When I was giving him a bath up in Mammoth, I had his bathtub up on the counter in our bathroom which is right next to a big mirror. He was looking at me in the mirror, it seemed like he was trying to figure it all out since I was standing on the other side of him but he could see me in the mirror too...
Tyler loves going for walks. Sometimes we take the stroller, and other times he goes in the baby pouch. Either way seems to be very relaxing for him, he has never cried on a walk. He often falls asleep while we are out. It is nice to be able to take him and the dogs out.
We feel very blessed because Tyler is already sleeping for much longer periods of time at night. At around 5 weeks he started to sleep between 5-8 hours at night. Then, about 2 weeks ago he started to sleep 8-9 hours at night! I definitely feel so much better now that he is letting us get more rest!
Overall, I definitely think Tyler looks so different and much bigger than he did at just 1 month. I am falling more in love with him every day, and I feel like I am really getting to know him. It's amazing that I really feel like I know the difference between his different cries now and I can even tell when he is about to poop! It is actually really cute when he is pooping, his nostrils start to flare and he gets a concentrating look on his face and makes these grunting noises. Lol. Someday he will probably wonder why I am making his pooping public information... He is growing so fast and I am just trying to appreciate each stage that we are going through since we can't get the time back once it has passed. I can't wait to see all of the next stages that he will go through!