For my Birthday, we had a party at our house. I had a great time and felt very loved! There were about 45 people who came! Sadly though, I do not have many pictures at all of the party. :(
Scott had this cake made and the inside was red velvet cake with vanilla filling with chocolate chips.
Maritza & Tyler
Uncle Darrin & Tyler. Not sure what that look is on Tyler's face, but it's pretty funny!
Scott was so mean, he put 40 candles on my cake! Hey ~ don't age me faster than I already am!
Here I am attempting to blow out all 40 candles at once.
Trying to clear the smoke after the candles are all out.
Our neighbor Julie & Tyler
Me with Ciara, Geoff & Charlotte
Tiffany, Jackie, Ciara, Melissa, me, Katie & Maritza
I did get gifts other than wine, but geez..... What is everyone trying to tell me here???