Tyler and Aspen love to play together! Aspen is very good with Tyler and very patient!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Great Grandma & Grandpa
Last month, we got some new photos of Tyler with his Great Grandma & Great Grandpa. We cherish this time that he has with them. He may not remember them when he is older, so I try to take photos when I can! They just love Tyler so much, and it is apparent how much joy it brings to them when we all get together!

Tyler & Bear
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tyler playing in his room
Now that Tyler is much more mobile on his own, he loves to play in his room! There is so much stuff in there to explore, and he really loves to dig through his toys and books. He also loves to grab onto the furniture in there and cruise around!
Tyler & a wood block
I have such a hard time getting photos of Tyler's teeth! He doesn't like to open his mouth on command so that I can get a good shot of them. This is quite an old photo, from early April, but it shows at least a few of his little pearly whites! He now has 7 teeth, and there is 1 more that has been just under the surface for the past few weeks. He has 4 on the bottom, 3 on the top, and the other 1 that is almost in is also on the top. I can't believe how many teeth he has! A few times, I was flossing my teeth, and I flossed Tyler's teeth too! He thought it was so funny!

Passed out
Scrunchy face
A few months ago, Tyler started to do this scrunchy face. For a while when he first started to do it, he was doing it all the time. Now he still does it but not as often. The funny thing, is I used to make the same face when I was a baby! My parents have pictues of me doing it. This is not the best video of it, but he sort of does it a few times. I will try to find a better video!
Our watchdog Chloe
Even after she had just had her second knee surgery, Chloe still was our resident watchdog!
What a good sister Aspen is! After Chloe's surgery, she would lie next to Chloe, even though she didn't have to stay confined like Chloe. Often she would want to go sit inside the fence where Chloe was. It was so sweet, especially if you know Aspen. She normally does not like to be confined for any reason!

Friday, May 14, 2010
Tyler learning about snowboards!
Mommy's Birthday part 2
The day after my Birthday party at our house, we went to dinner with my family to celebrate. I had a great time!
I guess this 1 candle balances out from the 40 from last night!
Mommy's Birthday!
For my Birthday, we had a party at our house. I had a great time and felt very loved! There were about 45 people who came! Sadly though, I do not have many pictures at all of the party. :(
Scott had this cake made and the inside was red velvet cake with vanilla filling with chocolate chips.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Drive home
Hanging with Steve
Steve loves to play with Tyler, and he was messing around with Scott's sunglasses on our last night in Napa.
Mommy & Daddy's day out
While we were in Napa, we decided to have a day out while Tyler was back at the Westin with a babysitter. We rented a limo and had a fun day of wine tasting! As much as we do love Tyler so much, it was nice to have a day off of having to be responsible for him!
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