Dear Tyler,
I can’t believe that you are already 6 months old! You are definitely not a newborn anymore! You are a totally different baby than you were just a few short months ago. Already in just 6 months I really feel like your personality has come through. There are times when both your Daddy and I feel like we don’t want any more kids because it is so much fun just having you! We can’t imagine having any other baby besides you, but we know that it would be best for you to grow up with a sibling.
We went to your 6 month pediatrician appointment! You now weigh 15 lbs. 3 oz. which puts you in the 15th percentile for weight. Your length is now 27 inches, which is the 75th percentile. The doctor says you are healthy and developing well. She thinks that you will be an early crawler considering you are basically pretty much crawling already. She wants us to try to introduce solids slowly. We will probably start with sweet potatoes and squash.
You are really trying to become mobile in any way you can. You love to get up on your hands and knees and try to push yourself around, which often ends up going backwards instead of forward. You are on the verge of really crawling, you just haven’t quite figured out the coordination of actually moving your hands and knees back and forth to really crawl around. Any day now we will be chasing you all over the place! Your strong little legs seem like they just want to skip crawling all together and go straight to walking. You love to be on your feet, and if you only had the balance, you would probably be walking already. The doctor says that we should encourage crawling for as long as possible though so we will try to do that! While in the bathtub, you love to grab on to the side of the tub and pull yourself up into a standing position! Mommy doesn’t like this though since the bathtub is slippery and you could fall easily. Because of this new found love to pull yourself up, we recently had to drop your crib mattress down a level!
You still only have your 2 bottom teeth, and as of now I do not see any more coming in. However the pediatrician says that your other teeth are already making their way through your gums and could be doing so for months before breaking through. Your hair is getting longer, although it is still pretty fine. I am not sure what color it will be, as of now it is sort of medium brown color.
You definitely are recognizing people who you know, and you realize when Mommy or Daddy leaves the room. At times if you want to be held by someone in particular you will hold your arms out and reach for that person. It is so cute! You also love to “talk” and laugh a lot. It makes me so curious about what it is you are thinking about!
I think it is so cute when you grab onto my face and pull my face close to yours. It is sort of like a little hug but only on the face. Your cute little hands grab onto my cheeks and bring my face right next to yours. Sometimes when you do this, you will rub your face against mine. I am not really sure exactly what it is that you are trying to do when this happens, but I still think it is really cute! At first when you started to do this about a month ago, you would grab my cheeks, and then open your mouth and start chewing on my nose or chin. I thought it was because you might have been getting more teeth in, but none ever came in and now you don’t chew on my face any more.
I can’t believe we are already half way through your first year of life! Part of me is sad that you are growing so fast but most of me is having so much fun watching you grow and mature into a fun, adorable little boy! I can’t wait to see what the rest of this first year will bring!