I have been trying to be good about "tummy time" every day. Tyler flipped over onto his back from his tummy for the first time at about 10 weeks old! He seems like a whole different baby from when he turned 2 months. His cry sounds different, and he is much bigger and stronger. He has really found his hands now and loves to put them in his mouth and chew on them. He also is getting much more control over his hands and is able to grab onto toys. He is drooling like a faucet now. We often have to leave bibs on his because otherwise the entire front of his clothes get sopping wet from all the drool. He also loves to grab his feet. Any chance he gets, he is trying to hold onto them which is making it interesting when we have to change his diapers! He is really responsive now to sights and sounds, even more than before. Often he will turn to see what is going on if he hears something.
I actually am beginning to feel like he likes to be out and about more than staying at home sometimes. Amazingly, (knock on wood) he has never cried/thrown a fit in a restaurant. He often just will sit in his stroller and hang out silently the whole time! We are definitely trying to take advantage of that now before he gets too mobile to want to just hang out. Or if we take him out and walk around with him in the stroller, he is very content and loves to just look around. Often he is so relaxed that he will fall asleep on walks in the stroller, but not always although he almost always will fall asleep in the car if the ride is long enough. He laughs and smiles all the time which is just so cute and sometimes it really sounds like he is telling us things with his cooing sounds. It really seems like he has things to say! He still loves his baths, and now that he is moving around more he is splashing around and making waves in the tub.
Since there is no well baby check up at 3 months, I took him to the Pump Station (baby store) and weighed him myself. He weighed in at 12 lbs exactly. I also measured him and I think he is 23.5 inches. I could be wrong on that though so we'll see what he measures at his 4 month check up.