I admit I have been bad about taking pictures of everyone with Tyler... I have missed a few people, but hopefully Tyler will see them again soon so we can get photos! Here are some of Tyler's recent visitors.

Tyler's Great Auntie Virginia

Scott, Tyler and I took a trip down to Orange County so that we could all meet Tatum. She was born only 3 days after Tyler! They were so cute when we put them on the blanket together, both of them were kicking and stretching. It was just cutest thing to see them since they are so close in age and size! We are looking forward to many more play dates in the future!

This is Tatum's Mom Jackie. PS: I swear I do not still look that preggers... I think my dress was just poofing out funny so it looks like I haven't given birth yet....

Destaye came to visit Tyler, he had so much fun with her!

Scott's friend Jesse came to visit this past Sunday. Scott and Tyler had a big day alone together that day! I was at a bridal shower for a friend so they had daddy and son bonding time.