Ok, so I ended up taking quite a long hiatus from the blog. It really was not entirely my fault. I had a string of technical issues that made it really hard for me to get any photos for the blog. And its no fun to have photoless blog posts! First my computer broke. And actually it still isn't fixed, amazingly. I really need to work on that. For the record, I am not a fan of Dell.... I have had nothing but problems with every Dell computer I have had. And then on top of it, once my photography class started, we use Mac computers in the class. And for whatever reason even though it should have been compatible, the external hard drive that I used for class that stored all of my images was not compatible with my PC at home. So I wasn't able to access ANY of my photos from home for the past few months for the duration of my class. And still, today, I cannot access them on this PC! Blaaaaahhhhhh! BUT, the great news is: I just bought a Mac laptop today! So once I get the software up and running and get everything ready on there I will be in business again! Yay!
Here is a photo that Richelle Dante took of Tyler!