Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth.....
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sneak peek
Thursday, December 17, 2009
My very first Christmas tree!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
High chair!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Chloe & Aspen get their bandages off
However, Mommy and Daddy have been feeling bad for them and have tried to keep their cones off when they are able to keep an eye on them. But then on Saturday, they walked out of the room for just a minute and guess what happened? Aspen chewed over half of the stitches out of her leg! It was dumping snow outside and we all had to take an emergency trip over to our vet here in Mammoth except for Chloe, she stayed warm at home!

Monday, December 14, 2009
Chloe & Aspen

Thursday, December 10, 2009
4 months old!
Dear Tyler,
I just can’t believe how fast time is going by and how fast you are continuing to change and grow. I can’t believe that you have been here for 4 months already! I look at you every day and see a miracle. It is hard for me to fathom that you grew inside my body for almost 10 months and now you are a living, breathing tiny person. I feel so blessed and lucky to be your Mommy! Each week, I think you are the cutest baby I have ever seen, and then somehow the next week you get even cuter!
We had your 4 month check up! You now are 25.5 inches long which puts you in the 75th percentile. You weigh 13 pounds, 2 ounces which is the 25th percentile.
This past month has been full of changes and developments! You have been drooling quite a bit since 2 months old, but now you are like a leaky faucet! We have to keep a bib on you all of the time now because otherwise the entire front of your clothes becomes soaking wet.
You love to use your hands to reach and grab everything within your reach. You seem to notice every little thing around you and are very curious about it all. Most things that you grab onto go straight for the mouth which means we have to be super careful about what is within arms length at all times! You are able to grab and play with your toys on your own now too although sometimes you will drop them.
You still are very reactive to sounds. Often if you hear a new sound you will stop what you are doing and look around to see where it is coming from. If there is one person in a room talking, you will follow that person with your eyes and it is so cute, it looks like you are intently listening to whatever that person has to say. You love to be talked and sung to, and often you just smile and laugh when we talk to you.
More and more you are very interested in Chloe and Aspen. You look at them to see what they are doing all the time and if they are close enough, you love to reach over and feel their soft fluffy fur! So far so good, you haven’t yanked on their fur! They love to lick your little hands and face. I am so relieved and happy that you love them and they love you.
You are becoming more and more active. You rolled over for the first time last month, but now you are just a little rolley polley, turning over constantly. When you are on your tummy, I can see that your little arms are getting stronger and stronger, you are able to push your upper body higher off of the ground than you used to. You love to be in the middle of all of the action, and are so observant of everything. You also still love to go for walks in your stroller.
I am excited for your first Christmas and New Years! Also you will be seeing snow for the first time soon!